We currently have no ticket subscriptions available. Below is our standard subscription plans and pricing. Check back here next season for information on buying subscriptions! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date on our season and subscription availability.
Plan A:
Plan B:
Choose 5 shows for only $85!
Fixed Schedule:
Fixed Schedule subscriptions allow subscribers to purchase the same seats for a select performance series — such as the first Friday performance of a show, or the second Sunday performance. Subscribers will receive one ticket per performance per show in their plan.
Flex Schedule:
Flex Schedule subscriptions allow subscribers to select the performance for each show that best fits their schedule. Seat availability may vary by performance. Subscribers will receive one ticket per performance per show in their plan.
In either case, you can choose your preferred seat for each show.
Free, easy exchanges offered for all subscribers. Read our full exchange policy here.
Last Updated 7/23/2022 at 11:07 am